Hey, a new site!

September 4, 2018 - 2 minutes
Static sites tickle the cheap Asian part of my brain
site hugo

I played around with a few different static site generators. The last one I tried out was Blogofile, which was an attempt to goof around in Python. That was an idea that quickly died because I managed to fill up all of my free time with other interests. After a while, the posting even stopped, despite my continual experiments in cooking and photography.

A few years went by and I completely forgot how to even operate the simplest of static generation tasks. Plus whatever deprecations to Python caused everything to break. Rather than try to hack my way out of that mess I created for myself, I decided to start anew. I settled on Hugo as a new static site generator. It’s lightweight, fairly straightforward, and seems to have good support.

Also, trying to convert the old non-VPC paravirtualized EC2 instance to a VPC HVM EC2 instance was not worth the effort for the not so useful content that remained on that server. This is now just content posted to S3 every once in a while. It’s cheaper, has better uptime, and faster.

At some point I’ll probably upload my old Subversion projects into my very sparse Github account. However, there’s probably a better chance that I’ll be distracted by trying how to better roast a pork belly.

That’s it for now.